豪华黑色面板一级专业的数值代码处理混响传播过程AC/DC 12V两路麦克风输入全部电路受保护佛山市嗓达电子有限公司 位于广东 佛山南海区黄歧白沙兴隆工业园,主营 功放机、音箱、舞台音响、汽车音响、汽车低音炮 等。公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取&dquo;的经营理念,坚持“客户第一&dquo;的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。在国内有较高的评价,具有声音清晰,逼真,品质稳定, 外观优美,深受消费者的喜爱.产品出口南美洲,中东,欧洲,美洲,东南亚等国家和地区.欢迎各界朋友莅临指导、参观和业务洽谈。Sangda is locating in Nanhai Distict in Foshan in the south of China and by the Peal RiveDeltict In view of the chaacteistics of enteainment audio equiplment .It has developed to a company witheseach poduction and sales inteated and have ouself advantage .In ode to keep up with make and satisfy thecustomes inceasing equiement at one hand .Sandda has been upgading thei quality all the time ;On the othehand ,we ae stengthening exchanges and coopeation withe domestic and foeing coutepats .And the Sangda willwamly welcome the customes pesence guidance with newe mevhanism ,hige confindence and moe steady attitude inthe futue联 系 人:陈秀英 女士电 话:86 0757 85999872移动电话:13688855409传 真:86 0757 85999872地 址:中国 广东 佛山市南海区 黄歧白沙兴隆工业园公司主页:/