RS-9700 seies themal potecto consists of dish shape high sensitive bimetallic elemeng,movable contact-head,static contact-piece,soleplate,oute case,ghemal esistant lead and so on.When opeation,the bimetallic element is in fee state and movable contact-head and static contace-piece ae closed and the cicuit is on.When the electic appliance is in opeation is in opeation and poduces heat caused by some toubles and tempeatue is aised to the ated action tempeatue of the poduct,the bimetallic element poduces inne stuess and acts quickly and pushes the movable contact-head and make the vontact point off and the powe supply is uned off the electic appliance this way the themal potection is made.When the tempeatue of electic appliance to be potected is dopped to the ated eset tempeatue.The bimetallic element estoes to its pimay state and contact point is closed .The electic appliance estoes its wok.The poduct has many advantages such as small in esisto,puick in tempeatue feeling,fast in action.Safe and eliable.compact and so on.
Be applicable to all kinds of home appliances and electonics poducts. Such as Electic Motos,Fluoescent Ballasts,Battey Chages,Tansfomes,Solenoids,Heating pads,OA-Machines ETC.
额 定 电 压 Rated Voltage :AC250V/AC125V;
额 定 电 流 Rated Cuent:1~10
常态电气强度 Electic intensity:﹥800V
常态接触电阻 Contact esistance:﹤30m?
绝 缘 电 阻 Lnsulation esistance: ﹥100M?
响 应 速 度 Response speed:≦1℃/min
寿 命 次 数 Numbe of automatic cycles: ﹥6000(阻抗负荷Resistive Load)